March 9, 2012

March for Meals - "Y'all are my guardian angels."

March for Meals is an annual campaign dedicated to raising awareness of senior hunger and promoting action at the local level. In 2012, Meals on Wheels will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Older Americans Act (OAA). In March of 1972, President Nixon signed into law a new title of the OAA that laid the groundwork for more than 5,000 new senior nutrition programs. The OAA is still the primary piece of federal legislation that authorizes and supports vital nutritional services, including Meals on Wheels, for America’s senior citizens.

As one of the main providers of supplemental meals for seniors in the Houston area, Interfaith Ministries has been greatly involved in March for Meals in the past, promoting the event through public events, partnerships with local businesses and restaurants and fundraising initiatives.

This year, Meals on Wheels asks you for your continued support of seniors in our area. Mayor Annise Parker will be personally delivering meals in April, but you can help now by donating your time or resources. All contributions will go to seniors in your area.

This is Richard’s story.

“Y’all are my guardian angels.”

Richard FiveAsh began receiving Meals on Wheels about four years ago, when both he and his wife, Rosemarie, were diagnosed with cancer.

“There were times that neither of us could really do anything… I don’t know then or now what we would do without y’all.”

Richard has beaten three different types of cancer. Unfortunately, chemotherapy took a toll on Rosemarie’s body from which she was unable to recover. She passed away in March of 2010 – almost exactly two years ago. They had no relatives in the area. “It was just me and Rosemarie.”

Richard continued to receive Meals on Wheels after his wife’s death and has nothing but positive things to say about the program. He is always sure to fill out the questionnaires that Meals on Wheels sends him and considers it “an honor” to help Meals on Wheels any way he can.

Richard understands the importance of good nutrition and, despite the fact that he has lost most of his teeth due to chemo, makes it point to eat his meals, because he knows they’re balanced and provide essential nutrients.

“My wife always said, ‘If you don’t pay the butcher or the grocer, you’re gonna pay the doctor.’ She was right!”

Richard loves his driver, Vernice, and “doesn’t want to ask for anything more.”

“Y’all really touch other people. I am thankful.”

To donate your time, contact Denise Atkerson at (713) 533-4922 or

To donate your resources, simply click here to make a measurable difference in a local senior’s life.

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