July 25, 2013

Help Our Seniors Keep Cool This Summer

Houston is the middle of a scorching summer and we are all trying to escape from the heat. While it is important for everyone to try to stay cool, it's also imperative that we check on our elderly neighbors during this time. The senior population is highly prone to heat related illnesses and sometimes needs extra help.

At Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston's Meals on Wheels, we see many seniors without air conditioning or even a fan leaving our seniors in stressful situations. Since they are also homebound, our seniors can't escape their homes to spend time in an air conditioned place like a library or mall.

You can help our seniors overcome this season of high temperatures by encouraging them to do the following:

• Drink Plenty Water- avoid alcoholic beverages and high sugary beverages and make sure to add ice if you can

• Replace Salt and Minerals- sweating causes us to lose these needed nutrients so drink beverages such as sports drinks that replenish your body

• Wear Appropriate Clothing and Sunscreen

• Use a Cold Compress

You can also help our seniors by donating fans to keep cool by visiting IM’s Wal-Mart wish list and donating to one of our Meals on Wheels seniors. If you want to read more about heat safety visit the Center for Disease Control’s website.

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