June 12, 2013

Florence's Story

Interfaith Ministries Meals on Wheels program helps seniors like Florence receive nutritiously balanced meals. “I’m very, very grateful to receive the meals, whatever I do takes a very…very long time.” Her main meal of the day is her Meals on Wheels meal. Her meals consist of breakfast, Meals on Wheels and 2 snacks for the day.

Florence lives alone and has two sons, both 100 miles away. One son has been retired for a few years. He used to visit every week but with a truck as his transportation and the increased price of gas it’s become too expensive. In addition he and his wife have health issues, limiting his visits to every 3 weeks or so.

Her husband passed away in 1999 but had been ill for 12 years. Florence, his only caregiver, was 75 when he passed away. She thought she was in perfect health but her health declined the moment he died.

Although she has lived in her home for over 41 years, she had to be placed in assisted living a few months for a period of time. “It would literally kill me if I had to stay permanently (in an assisted living facility). To move from a 3 bedroom home to a ½ of a room with someone who is possibly very ill. Very unpleasant.”

Florence was recently placed on a walker to help her maneuver from one room to another and stand straight. Due to her very weak back, attempting to cook a meal in the kitchen is both painful and uncomfortable.

“I eat very little, 5 small meals. I lose a lot of weight. The main reason is because of diabetes. I’m responsible to eat 35 times a week, I think with numbers. Since I eat 5 times a day it would be very hard to manage without. Without Meals on Wheels I’d probably end up eating a frozen meal every day.”

You can help seniors like Florence stay independent and healthy.  Donate or volunteer today!

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